Your Royal Canadian Legion is committed to making a difference in the lives of Veterans and their families, providing essential services in our communities, and remembering the men and women who sacrificed for our country.

Honour Our Veterans Banner Program

The Honour Our Veterans Banner Program a new initiative together with Sandi Jones, Elinor Florence and RCL Branch 71, Windermere District, is a means to pay tribute to our local veterans and active service members. Similar to other successful banner programs already established across Canada, this program will be an ongoing legacy project. Through the displaying of the banners, we hope to engage the community in honouring and remembering local veterans through an initiative that will ensure continued recognition and respect throughout future generations.

Banners will be displayed from the beginning of October to November just after Remembrance Day.
We thank Kimberly Rae Photography, Georgina Clarricoates, Palliser Printing & Publishing, Jerry McLeod, Dorthy Isted and Anvy Digital Imaging for their many hours and efforts to make these banners possible.

It is our plan for this Facebook page to publish a list of all the veterans and their stories here for you to read. To publish events around the banners and to inform and engage you, our citizens.

                                                                                   Click on the photo for Elinor Florence's Blog.

Click here for a Facebook page on our Banner Program


Click here for a list of the Veterans honoured with a Banner until now.

Welcome to the website of the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 71 Windermere District.

Feel free to browse around and if you are interested, then come down to our clubhouse for a chat with some (new) friends.

Dominion Command

BC Yukon Command

Poppy Store

Legion Magazine

"On the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month we will remember them"